Technical Helpline: 02327/9867-0
Marine Cool 180° is the coolant of choice for many ..... For manufacturers such as Kubota, no other coolant offers the reliability of Evans waterless coolants.
Marine Cool 180° contains no water eliminating the problems caused by water based coolants, increasing reliability and extending engine life.
Marine Cool 180° has a boiling point above 180°c eliminating the risk of overheating and boil-over associated to water based coolants.
Marine Cool 180° generates 75% less vapour pressure than water based coolants, significantly reducing strain on hoses, seals and gaskets.
Marine Cool 180° reduces cavitation erosion by 75% compared with water based coolants and eliminates oxidation corrosion.
Marine Cool 180° has been proven to last more than 20 years and a million miles in service without the need for replacement.
Marine Cool 180° has been tested and certified as Non Toxic by an EPA approved laboratory. It is biodegradable and will not bio-accumulate.
Cruiser and sports boats fitted with inboard engines fabricated from cast iron, steel, copper and aluminium components
Physical State : Low Viscosity Synthetic Liquid
Boiling Point : Above 180°C
Freezing Point : Below -40°C
Colour : Blue Clear
Odour : Almost odourless
Taste : Slightly Sweet, Non-Toxic but not recommended for human consumption
Evans in association with ASTM committee D15.22 have developed a specific range of standards for waterless engine coolants. All Evans Coolants are manufactured in accordance with certified ISO procedural standards.