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Prevent Engine Overheating

Engine overheating caused by water boil-over is a major cause of vehicle breakdown, often resulting in permanent damage, yet it's often preventable by converting to Evans Waterless Coolants.

In 2013 the AA responded to more than 56,000 breakdowns caused by engine overheating

The causes.....

Engines generate a lot of heat when burning fuel. For various reasons 50-50 coolant mixtures (water & antifreeze) often get too hot. When this happens, coolant inside the engine starts turning from liquid in to steam. Once the first steam-pocket is formed a second and third will rapidly follow, leading to boil-over and engine breakdown or total failure.

Restricted Coolant-Flow

Coolant-Flow can be restricted inside the radiator and engine. The most common cause of coolant-flow restriction is internal corrosion, which builds up over time and is nearly always present in classic car engines. The efficiency of cooling pumps can also reduce over time, as localised corrosion and erosion develop.

Restricted Air-Flow

Air-Flow will be restricted when a radiator is partially blocked with debris or cooling fins are damaged. E.g. by mud, leaves, stones etc. Reduced fan speed, caused by slipping belts or worn electric motor brushes, will also reduce air-flow in slow moving or stationary traffic.

Restricted Heat-Transfer

Heat-Transfer (heat off-load) will be severely restricted if the cooling channels are partially or totally coated with corrosion or other sediment. E.g. Rust (ferric oxide).

These problems are more common to vehicles of a certain age and mileage - by converting to Evans now, such problems can be prevented in later engine life.

High engine load

The harder an engine works the more heat it produces. High engine load can be due to speed or power demand. E.g. towing a caravan for a car or electrical load for a generator. If any of the above restrictions are present then the potential for engine overheating is significantly increased.

Ambient temperature

The rate of heat-transfer from engine to air is affected by the temperature difference between the two. Summer air can be 40°C warmer than winter air, which dramatically reduces the rate of heat-transfer and often leads to the engine running hotter. If any of the above restrictions are present, then the potential for engine overheating is significantly increased.

The Solution.....

To prevent unwanted steam formation and boil-over, the logical answer is to select a coolant with a higher boiling point than water.

Evans Waterless Engine Coolants have a boiling point above 180°C. They do not turn to steam inside an engine and always remain in liquid form. Thus ensuring constant heat-transfer for new and old engines, no matter their condition or the loading placed upon them.

Engines converted to Evans do not run at 180°C as they always find a natural heat-transfer balance (thermal equilibrium) at temperatures between 105°C – 115°C. As confirmed by >1.5 million waterless conversions since 2001 all engine types can run problem free using Evans.

Evans Powersports coolant has been the ‘coolant of choice’ for the Honda World MX Team for the last four years and recently the SAS converted all their vehicles and bikes to run with Power Cool 180.

Converting to Evans brings several other benefits, including;

  • 10+ years coolant life
  • Recognised as Non-Toxic by HSE
  • No scalding associated to boil-over
  • No internal pressure = no burst hoses
  • Elimination of water-based corrosion
  • Elimination of water-based erosion
  • Elimination of water-based cavitation
  • Potential to increase power output

Evans Waterless Engine Coolants are available from many mainstream and specialist distributors, in the UK and globally. To find your local stockist please enter your UK postcode below.

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