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Penny Makes it to Cape Town

Published: 11/05/2012

Congratulations to Penny for completing the London to Cape Town endurance Rally!
Driving 14,400km would be a feat in any car, but particularly so in a 1923 Vauxhall. Max and James Stephenson, the Australian father and son team who own Penny set off from London on January the first. Their route meandered across Europe and Africa over some very challenging terrain and arrived in Cape Town on January the 30th.
Driving conditions across Africa can be pretty extreme, sensibly they choose to cool their engine with Evans Waterless Coolant.

“It’s fantastic stuff, works brilliantly in this heat. Especially on really long uphill hauls, previously when we ran water we would get localised flash boiling in our engine, causing overflowing radiator. But this stuff doesn’t boil until 180°C, we don’t get that happening so we keep driving and sensibly watch the 2 temp gauges we have and it’s just fantastic. On the 38° day on our pull out of the blue nile gorge, we don’t think we could have done that with regular water.” – James Stephenson

For a full account of their adventure read the blog here

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